TLLC Conference
“Theoretical Linguistics and Languages of the Caucasus” (TLLC) is a 2-day workshop on the languages of the Caucasus to be held at Istanbul Bilgi University between June 18–19, 2022, co-hosted by the Laz Institute and the Istanbul Caucasian Culture Association. We welcome contributions on the theoretical analyses of the phonological, morphological, and syntactic issues observed in Caucasian languages as well as Turkic and Indo-European languages spoken in the Caucasus. Regular talks will be 20 minutes, followed by 10 minutes for discussion.
Note that TLLC is being planned as a face-to-face event. In case of travel restrictions and other similar measures that may be imposed, we may have to switch to a hybrid format.
Abstract submission guidelines:
Abstracts, including references and data, must not exceed two A4 or letter pages. To ensure anonymity, please write your abstract in such a way that your identity is not disclosed. Please remove all identifying information in your pdf, including in the properties and file name. Submissions are limited to two per author, with at most one submission being single-authored. Abstracts must be submitted in PDF format through the Easychair submission page of TLLC by March 1, 2022 at 23:59 Istanbul Time (GMT+3).
Submission link:
Keynote Speaker:
Léa Nash (Université Paris Lumières-Saint Denis/CNRS)
Important Dates:
Abstract submission deadline: March 1, 2022
Announcement of the evaluation results: April 15, 2022
Conference: June 18-19, 2022
Organizing Committee:
Nihan Ketrez (Istanbul Bilgi University)
Balkız Öztürk (Boğaziçi University)
Aslı Gürer (Istanbul Bilgi University)
Ömer Demirok (Boğaziçi University)
İsmail Avcı (Laz Institute)
Murat Topçu (Okan University)